The Scientific Committee of Jakarta International GI Endoscopy Symposium & Live Demonstration (JIGES-LD) 2025 would like to invite colleagues to take an active role in this event. The results of research or reports of interesting/ difficult/ emergency cases in the field of
Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy will be displayed on the platform in Poster Session.
Participants of the Poster Session can submit more than 1 (one) abstract. The Scientific Committee will only accept the original scientific material that has not been presented/published before, therefore, abstracts that have already been published/presented at regional or national scientific events/ congress will not be accepted and will be excluded.
The latest submission deadline is 12 February 2025. The abstract should be submitted by email to: jiges.ld@gmail.com. Please include the contact details of the corresponding author, including institutional addresses, e-mail, and phone numbers.
The Scientific Committee will inform the accepted abstract by e-mail.
All presenters must be registered as participants of the Jakarta International GI Endoscopy Symposium & Live Demonstration (JIGES-LD) 2025.
The abstract should be submitted in English. All data must be in narrative form.
The abstract text should be consisted of 100-300 words including keywords 3-10 words.
The abstract should be as informative as possible:
A title that indicates the nature of the investigation needs to be provided, with a maximum of 15 words.
The authors’ and co-authors’ names (first names, family names) and places of work (institution, city) must be written without degrees.
Writing structure:
Research and Systematic Review: The Abstract should include background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions
The case report should include an introduction, case illustration, and discussion
4. Graphics, tables, pictures, and references should not be included in the abstract.
Posters will be displayed on one sheet of cardboard in English. The poster should have consisted of figures, tables, texts, and photography. The dimensions of the poster should not exceed 90 cm x 120 cm in size. The text, illustrations, etc should be clear enough to be read from a distance of two meters. Authors’ names, affiliations, and countries should be included on the poster. The title should be the same as the one in your abstract.
All participants are expected to set up their posters before 14 February 2025. The poster will be displayed on 14 - 15 February 2025.
The poster will be evaluated by the reviewers on 14 - 15 February 2025.
The best poster will be awarded by the scientific committee Jakarta International GI Endoscopy Symposium & Live Demonstration (JIGES-LD) 2025